Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Income Tax Law Vol. 10 (Sections 280A To 298 & It Rules, 1962 Alongwith Allied Rules & Schemes, Etc.) Income Tax Law Vol. 10 (Sections 280A To 298 & It Rules, 1962 Along with Allied Rules & Schemes, Etc.)

Income Tax Law Vol. 10 (Sections 280A To 298 & It Rules, 1962 Alongwith Allied Rules & Schemes, Etc.)

Description - (BUY NOW)
Presented in a 10 volume set • Statutorily updated upto August 2014 including Finance (No. 2) Act, 2014 and Income-tax (Eleventh Amendment) Rules, 2014 • Includes case law reported in ITR till 26-5-2014 (upto 363 ITR) • Comprehensive coverage of more than 85,000 cases • 12,000 additional cases covered • Contains around 25,000 headings for easy reference • Over 5,000 pages added in this edition
More Details About Income Tax Law Vol. 10 (Sections 280A To 298 & It Rules, 1962 Alongwith Allied Rules & Schemes, Etc.)
General Information
Author(s)Chaturvedi & Pithisaria’S
Edition6th Edition
Publish Year2014

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Compilation of Transfer Pricing Judgements

Compilation of Transfer Pricing Judgements

Transfer pricing compliance today features as a high priority item for every multi-national enterprise and tax administration.  In 2014 itself, Indian judicial records was enriched with around 400+ reported decisions!! India has become leading contributory in the development of global transfer pricing law.  Indian Courts have rendered many thought provoking decisions. However the absence of consistency has only resulted in conflicting or divergent views on most of the issues before them.  The application of transfer pricing provisions is intricate and vague like never before. The book comprises of more than 700 India Transfer Pricing decisions covering various issues.

This is the second and updated edition of the book Compilation of Transfer Pricing Judgment, now renamed as Analysis of Transfer Pricing Judgments. .  The book is not a mere sequel but an attempt to collate and capture the essence of Indian transfer pricing judgments providing an insight into the multi directional evolution of the transfer pricing law. Comprehensive analysis has been made of all important decision related to an issue giving insight into divergent views of the Courts.  Comprehensive index tables have been prepared for easy reference. 
More Details About Analysis of Transfer Pricing Judgements
General Information
Author(s)CA Narendra Jain
PublisherCCH India
Publish Year2014